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impact of war


9 stories of new Arnhem residents linked to 9 stories of evacuees from Arnhem (1944) are incorporated into 9 outfits shown in a fashion show. This special narrative collection Impact of war is created by Arnhem fashion designer Mirte Engelhard.

Personal stories of resistance by citizens during the Battle of Arnhem and the evacuation of the city in 1944-1945, linked to the stories of refugees that we Arnhem residents now accept in the city, are the starting point for Arnhem Fashion Designer Mirte Engelhard. She joins forces with Arnhem for Refugees and Bridge to Liberation Experience to incorporate the impact of war and personal resistance into a wearable clothing collection.

Resistance = Standing
for something!

By drawing a substantive parallel between 1944-1945 and the present, based on the experience of refugees now and evacuees then, the theme becomes Resistance = Standing for Something!' of Bridge to Liberation Experience 2018. The collection captures the core of the story of everyone's personal resistance in one sentence. This phrase is reflected in the shape, color choice and details of the outfits. The link between the past and the present is reflected in it. The clothing collection serves as an illustration for the stories. These are all stories that need to be told based on the theme of Bridge to Liberation Experience 2018. Telling those stories connects; people, cultures and generations.

Making process & Exhibition

The entire creation process of the collection is captured in various events during
the Fashion & Design Festival Arnhem (FDFA). From June 1 to July 2, 2018, Mirte will

the creation process of the collection from start to finish at the main location of FDFA The production process is a participation project with Arnhem for Refugee in which new Arnhem residents contribute to the end product. On July 3,
the entire collection will be shown there by the people behind the stories.
The entire process will be recorded by media students from ROC Rijn IJssel.

be exhibited in Rozet in Arnhem from July 9 to the end of

Watch Bridge to Liberation 2024 via the livestream on September 20 from 8:30 PM. Register without obligation and watch on your screen the floating stage where the artists Karsu, SEF, Jaap Reesema, Thomas Oliemans perform their enchanting performances together with Phion, orchestra of Gelderland and Overijssel